
Friday 24 August 2012

Mcdonald part time 打工记

raya 期间, 不少餐厅都在广招兼职,KFC, DUBU DUBU, Sushi King, Madam Kwan, 但是我还是选择了麦当劳。 Mcd 食物不多, take order时也比较容易 ^^ 其实我不喜欢吃快餐, 几个月才会吃那一次,虽然打工期间每天都有免费午餐吃,但是都是面包,薯条,害到我现在更不想吃快餐了。


首先是我的outlet有五位team managers, 一位people manager,一位store manager.
Team Managers < People manager < Store Manager


1) Beverage
2) Cashier
3) Runner
4) French fries maker
5) burger maker

一开始我是负责beverage, 工作就是搬冰块,舀冰块进杯子,看看monitor display什么order,然后按键small/medium/large,最后关盖&serve. 单单做饮料一点都不容易! Medium coke十杯刚做好,一分钟就被runner 拿完了~ TT  在准备medium coke的同时, 我也必须看看monitor有没有其他的order,比如说,冷饮,sprite/ Coke Light/ orange/ Ribena/ Ice Lemon Tea/ Iced Milo, 或热饮,coffee/tea/milo. 除了饮料,我也必须分ice/without ice, 还有分size, Small/ Medium/Large,各有不同的杯子。

 当十二点的钟声响时,就是McValue Lunch Rm5.95, 人潮汹涌!THE WAR BEGIN!

Cashier 的工作则是点order,收钱,如果顾客要现吃就放tray,如果是打包就放两包辣椒酱,, (runner看台上没有tray,自然而然就懂顾客是要打包),吃粥就放两包胡椒粉&汤匙,吃happy meal就要记得给玩具。 我的mentor教我当你看到顾客踏进门的瞬间,你就必须扬起右手然后高声一喊“Hi, Welcome to Mcdonald!",把顾客招到你的面前。^^ 一开始会很害羞, 过后习惯了~ 脸皮变厚了呱~ " hi, welcome, can i take your order please? set or ala carte? medium or large? coke?” 有些饮料不要放冰,薯条不要放盐,burger不要蔬菜,要加sauce或者不要sauce,粥要plain的,这些都要记得输入进order system so runner 不会拿错食物~

提了不少次runner, 大概明白runner 是干什么的了吧。runner就是负责run! 拿饮料,burger, 薯条, 有些order sundae cone/mcflurry, runner 就要挤ice cream, 放酱,拿去搅,serve. Runner真的是每一刻都在run, 脑中必须记得几样order, monitor是有得看order, 但是人多起来, runner只好看receipt 拿食物,比较快啊。做runner的期间,蛮压力的, 不会停的order, serve又必须快, 过后习惯了觉得自己很厉害,嘻嘻! lan c! 吹啊~~  ^^

我没那个荣幸当burger maker , TT

french-fries maker 就是负责炸薯条,放盐,装起来,人多炸多,人少炸少。这一带很热,又油~ 炸薯条的锅都有timer,不会怕炸过头,放盐的道具也是经过精心设计,确保盐不会集中洒在一起。 原来薯条过了半个小时就会软掉,这时就必须倒掉全部变软的薯条,以确保顾客吃的薯条永远是新鲜的! 我的manager的指导让我觉得mcdonald非常的有系统,high quality-control. 每次serve 顾客后, 都要敬一句“ thank you, please come again!" 不管是runner, beverage, cashier up to manager,serve & greet ! 非常有礼貌!当然一定要面带微笑!Smile~

dress code 是衣服必须塞起来, 头发绑起来, 穿黑鞋,化少许妆(女性啦)。

这里的manager都很好,不会面带凶恶, 乱射下属,反而他们都非常细心教导,面带微笑,麦当劳请到他们真的是太幸运了!麦当劳到底是如何训练manager的呢?
我也问了, 当team manager的requirement必须要是diploma holder。
从casual crew 做起就比较长时间。 ^^
读economic的,推荐去HQ做账或者做marketing. 胡说! 读economic就只能做这几种吗? 我们可是非常flexible 的!

一天打工八个小时很累的叻, 回家就睡,晚餐都不想吃了`,睡醒就打工。

Saturday 11 August 2012

Brands Outlet Opening@ Fahrenheit 88 -2012

im going to Fahrenheit 88 tomorrow all because of Brands Outlet's is giving out RM50 cash voucher for first 500 customer on the opening day! looks like Brands Outlet's is an affiliate company of Padini. Padini outlets had 50% discount on all items last week... and I missed it!! last time i managed to grab few shoes which is so cheap after 50% discount. now my shoes are so "dry", the color, shape, EVERYTHING! i have to buy a new shoe! i want to have orange high pumps like this. SO ELEGANCE! charming! suitable for attention seeker~

by the way, im not used to wear pumps like this. never buy any pump yet, is so FUCKING HARD to walk! even one inch of heels, i need to massage my leg for 1 hour after i walk with 1 inch heels in mall. will see. maybe i will wear sport shoe in my wedding?? hahaha!

have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow. WIsh me luck~~~~~~~ ^^

p/s: can't wait to hang out with my bff, Mekmek(huishan). FINALLY!

Drum Tao

Drum Tao : The Art of Japan Drum

they're coming to KLCC on 24 August 2012!! im very addicted to drum performance, wish can bring them back to my university to perform.

Amazing RIGHT??!
combination of martial art with drums, full of energy and the beat will touch ur soul.
i wished i could go and now groupon has promotion, 40% discount on all ticket!

Groupon- Drum Tao

please go to support, Totally worth it!!

p/s:i need to work harder if i wanna attend.... haiz