
Saturday, 28 April 2012

淨選盟3.0, 428靜坐大集會 前夕

今日头条, 禁足独立广场



今天是428,是净选盟3.0 靜坐大集會, duduk bantah.
我在前几天读了一篇文章, 作者写道 净选盟动机不简单,为何?就在前几天隆市长与净选盟主席开会商讨428靜坐大集會的地点, 隆市长要求/建议在Bukit Jalil Stadium但是净选盟主席却不肯让步, 坚持要在独立广场举行。最后搞得不欢而散。


隆市长的建议实为顾及大局。如果428靜坐大集會在独立广场进行, 势必带给民众不必要的麻烦。
举咧, 当全国上下都知道今天独立广场将会进行428靜坐大集會,当然会很塞车,很自然就选择呆在家,不出门闲逛,不消费了。
遇上紧急事故的民众呢? 或许会遇上塞车而错失良机。

就在昨日427, 12am,我路过独立广场,只是一条1 分钟的路段,我却整整塞了40分钟。

在想, 是什么原因搞得那么塞车啊?警察封路? (话说过后才看见警察真的已经封路了, 只见警察围着人墙,准备阻挡任何想踏进独立广场的人士。)

 净选盟支持者就站在路边不停呐喊bersih bersih bersih, 高举黄旗写着” Occupy Dataran”, 在塞车的路段穿梭,不畏惧任何意外。因为他们已经堵住交通,车子完全无法动弹了。

好不容易挨了40分钟,终于看到了独立广场,终于看到为何塞车? 果真。。。净选盟支持者分站路段左右, 手握拳头,迎向空中,高喊bersih, 迎接每辆驶过的车子,当下我的感觉是犹如V.I.P般,被热烈的欢迎。。。。。为了这个欢迎而浪费了我的40分钟。。。

我只想说,为民声冤的净选盟支持者, 当你们进行大集会时, 如果也造就了社会不必要的麻烦, 那你们跟其它 政治党派并无分别。

最后,我想说一路上也看到了一些头绑青带的人士,你懂吗?应该就是反稀土支持者。 加油!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Hi, peeps, finally i have finished most of my mid term exam, still left one econometric paper and 3 assignment.
Wesak and Labor day is coming~~ and sadly i hav missed the opportunity to join bridal show in Spring Festival show and be a dynasty china's princess in a Buddhist night.

 Sounds cool! but i have turned it down...

Few days ago, CLESIC (Chung Ling Ex-Student Intervarsity Council) planned a simple gathering & this is the first time i joined, Seniors did a great job for this gathering,
one of my senior named Quah Swee Im, if im not mistaken, she cooked one pot (or three) of red bean+longan+pandan leaves soup. SUPER DOOPER NICE!
 It would be better if i could stay longer there, what could be better than meet my old fren, Jing Harn, Elaine, Pey Wen, Ping Fang, Wei Jun. and also my junior in UUM.

 at least this time they prepared sufficient food for everyone, ~clapp clap clap~
but most of it is processed food ( hotdog, ham, fish balls) and i DONT eat any of it, lol~
no more processed food in my life except BREAD  ^^

and STARBUCK is giving 50% discount for Frappucino on every friday, 5-7pm to everyone!
What are u waiting for~??

                                             Song of the day--  Justin Bieber- boyfriend

Monday, 16 April 2012

abolish PTPTN?? are u kidding ?

this happened in Malaysia recently,   
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's recent promise to abolish (National Higher Education Fund Corporation ) PTPTN study loans and thereafter, provide free higher education should Pakatan Rakyat take over the Government.----quote The Star

this is political games!
 hello, if abolish PTPTN, i think Malaysia can only survive 20 years more, then ended up like greece! BANCRUPTCY!  ya, we know Government did gains revenue from petroleum, rubber, palm oil and etc. so, you think so easy to handle a government's expense? 
i dont undertand why they protest on street? isit so expensive ? hav you ever compare Malaysia's university tuition fee with other countries as well? even though im not a super government lover, but pls, think wisely, dont just follow ppl ass, what they said, u jz nodded ur head,

 tomoro wan go for PROTEST?
' ok lo~ im free,'
do you understand what is  happening? 
' get free ptptn ma, who dont like free things'

if ur country really rich enough like German, u can protest for increase of nation's welfare anytime.
if ur country is like Malaysia which is a developing country , ONLY, juz shut up and study well or be an enterpreneur, contribute to Malaysia ,leads Malaysia to a developed country then only u DO it.

Sunday, 15 April 2012


Do you know why men shirt's button is on right hand side? girl shirt's is on left handside?
i came across this today. Have you ever think bout it? it's written that in 16th century, women hav servant to wear clothes for themselves, girls dont need to wear it by their own. and guys wear it by themselves. so in economic ways, is more easier to pin up a shirt if buttons is on right handside. xoxo      =)

Friday, 13 April 2012

Raining day in KL

I hate to walk under the rain, it's like im going to get fever within 5 minutes! honestly, the PH of rain is in the acid range, shouldnt ever think that walking under the rain isw a COOL act~ nah!
kind of disappointed day i hav when realised the recipient of my package didn claim the parcel on time, so after 14 days of working day, PostLaju sent it back to me( stupid sender). This is the thing, when u wan to give someone suprise, u hav to be ready for disappointment too! DON'T expect too much~
 feel heache when think of bunch of unfinished assignment  TT
still raining out there..xoxo

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

shit domain

ya, finally i opened one blog here and i was thinking what domain name should i put, finally i typed 'soodiary', but after i edited everything, STOP!! i realised above the website bar is written 'snoodiary', what a weird name is this, isn't it? FAITH, couldnt change it anymore.....welcome~